Our Authorised Distributors
We are expanding our networks of distribution and services around the world.
If interested to become our distributor, please email to us at distribution@primoager.com
Hong Kong

Pro-fit Ind. Co.
8/F, Unit A, Chung Shun Knitting Centre,
1-3 Wing Yip Street,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2371 2862

Kitchen World
584 Soi Sukhumvit 63,
Wattana, 10110, Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66 062 997 9946
Email: showroom.kitchenworld@gmail.com
North america
New Asia FSE, Inc.
3400 N. Peck Rd., El Monte, CA 91731
Tel: +1(626) 575-5880
Email: salesnewasia@aol.com
Website: https://newasiainconline.com
Luxury Wine Appliances
221 W 9th St., Wilmington, DE 19801
Tel: +1(475) 338-3636
Email: contact@luxurywineappliances.com
Website: https://luxurywineappliances.com
Gentlemen’s Caves
Tel: +1(229) 404-5499
Email: sales@gentlemenscaves.com
Website: https://gentlemenscaves.com/

Middle east & Africa

Middle East
(UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Iraq, KSA, Jordan, Lebanon)

H Culinary Solutions FZE LLC
Dubai, UAE
Web: www.hclnry.com
Tel: +971 52497 4827
Email: ah@hclnry.com